GRA Networks TelecomsGRA Networks UtilitiesGRA Networks EnergyGRA Networks Infrastructure

What we do

GRA Networks Australia offer infrastructure contracting services on a design and construct basis in the transport, telecommunications, utility and energy sectors, providing cost-effective solutions to complex problems.

Our history

GRA Networks Australia was formed in 2011 as a result of an opportunity to supply a more comprehensive and effective delivery model in respect of Wireless Telecoms Services to Main Telecom Providers.

Since its inception, GRA Networks Australia has secured significant packages of work based on our expertise in various disciplines by providing flexible management and skilled resources on a project-by-project basis.

As a result, we have successfully completed projects
 for a variety of clients ranging from state bodies and local authorities to major infrastructure organisations and network providers.

In addition, GRA Networks Australia has worked as a supplier on various high profile projects in partnership with some
 of the most respected names in the telecoms, rail, construction, engineering and 
energy sectors.

Global Infastructure Group
GRA Networks Australia
5 Plane Tree Avenue
Dingley Village
VIC 3172
ISO 90011400145001Energy SafeMBAV