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GRA Networks Australia offer infrastructure contracting services on a design and construct basis in the transport, telecommunications, utility and energy sectors, providing cost-effective solutions to complex problems.

News Stories

Belmore special school circles
25 May 2023

GRA Networks Australia Electrical Project progressing well at Belmore

GRA Networks Australia’s Electrical department has completed SEQUENCE-A of its Electrical and Data scope of works at Belmore Special School, as part of the Victorian School Building Authority, ‘Better Schools Project’ for builder S.J Higgins.

The works at Belmore Special School are being conducted in two sequences, which shall enable the normal operation of the school, throughout the entire building process.

The successful completion of SEQUENCE-A comprised of a renovation of the senior staff offices and school administration area and one new building consisting of:

  • four new classrooms
  • two assisted bathrooms
  • two general bathrooms
  • two break-out rooms
  • two teacher prep rooms
  • activity space
  • IT Room
  • Student library

GRA Networks Australia’s Electrical department started SEQUENCE-B in May 2023, with the anticipated delivery completion date in July 2023.

Global Infastructure Group
GRA Networks Australia
5 Plane Tree Avenue
Dingley Village
VIC 3172
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