Phoenix Park Tunnel works proceeding apace for Global Rail Services

Global Rail Services project works on behalf of the National Transport Authority, are heading towards the completion date of Autumn 2016.

The large multi-disciplinary project – which has been commissioned by the National Transport Authority – is part of providing a fourth direct route into Dublin city centre via Heuston Station, by upgrading a branch line that will serve as a direct connection to the Kildare commuter areas – both North and South of the city.

Global Rail Services upgrade of the 735m long tunnel, will allow commuter trains to operate through it for the first time and is fundamental to addressing the current deficiencies around Kildare.

The project is reliant upon Global Rail Services multi-disciplinary in-house approach. Works in the tunnel not only include cleaning and repairing the masonry and providing new signage, new lighting and telecoms are also required.

Separately Global Rail Services carried out site investigation works on the existing steep embankments leading to the tunnel. The project examined the stability of the existing embankments and recommended stabilizing works required for the reopening to commuter usage.

Not to be left out, GRSL’s building division have also been busy preparing for the new passengers, by upgrading the both Drumcondra and Tara Street stations. Works include new ticket gatelines and a new liftshaft.

The project challenges around working in a live railway environment have been planned professionally by the experience rail team, allowing the project to stay on track for its completion date.

Vodafone transmission site completed by telecoms contractor GRA Networks Australia

GRA Networks Australia has recently completed work on a new Vodafone Greenfield transmission site in Caroline Springs, Melbourne.

GRA Networks Australia has successfully concluded the work, which involved the installation of a new 30m monopole, along with the supply and installation of a new ROAM headframe.

The telecoms equipment installation included six panel antennas, eighteen RRU’s, eight fibres, along with all the associated Huawei BTS equipment including the installation of a new TX microwave link.

An award of Distinction for Global Rail Services at All Ireland Safety Awards

By promoting a safety culture through a series of events such as the All Ireland Safety Awards, the National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) are able to credit those organisations who make a positive impact on the lives of their workers and the stakeholders they engage with.

Set-up to create conditions where Irish workplaces are among the safest and healthiest in Europe, the National Irish Safety Organisation Limited (NISO), provides:

  • Leading information, advisory and training services.
  • The promotion of a culture of excellence in workplace health & safety.
  • A leading role in advancing the national health & safety agenda.
  • Helping members develop a culture of health and safety in their workplace

With health and well-being central to their approach, Global Rail Services were commended for their continuous improvement in occupational health and safety management. This performance is achieved through the implementation and maintenance of an occupational health and safety management system which meets and is fully accredited to the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007.